It’s accepted by the American masses that on July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted.
I’d like to highlight one of the many complaints against the King from that very important document;
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”
Now I’d like to point to the case of Fred the Raccoon and P-Nut the Squirrel who were needlessly murdered by a swam of Officers sent hither, say it with me, to harass our people.
This, like so many cases, is one of government thugs abusing their authority because they face no consequences.
Every single person involved in the raid that ended the life of Peanut and Fred felt justified doing it because it was a lawful order signed by a judge - morality, ethics, and human decency never even enters the minds of the swarm sent to destroy everything in their wake.
I’m not interested in the possible witch-hunt over who sent the officers to harass a man over a raccoon and squirrel, because I’m mad that the State has the time, resources, and power to do what they did without sanction.
Have we learned nothing since the Declaration was signed?
A day doesn’t go by where we don’t see a story about somebody’s livelihood or even life being destroyed over paperwork, false reports, or legal trivialities which is an age old problem.
Despite this, the anger usually seems to be focussed against the person who made the complaints but rarely against the ones actually ruining lives.
Even if a Karen in Texas called in the report in this story, the NY DEC didn’t need to respond in the way they did and pretending like brute force is somehow an appropriate answer to a civil dispute absolves the real abusers of any culpability.
Frankly they did what they did because they don’t fear reprisals no matter how great their tyranny.
But then again it’s easy to rage at an anonymous stranger on the internet because doxxing and ruining her life doesn’t come with the credible threat of violence that the State will bring against you if you aim your anger, justifiably, at them for their tactics.
At the end of the day, saying that a domesticated squirrel allegedly bit an officer through gloves and therefore the squirrel and his raccoon buddy both needed to die to test for rabies is about as honest and scientifically sound as needing to place stone after stone on Giles Corey because some teenagers called him a witch back in 1692.
84 years would pass between the Salem Witch Trials and the Declaration of Independence, 248 more to get us to today, and yet here we are watching the same song and dance of the stupid and evil weaponizing the powerful to destroy the innocent.
Some day we might figure out how to put humanity and liberty at the top of priorities, it would be nice it that day was today.